Upcoming Wobble Sightings

We're indoors in the Winter at the Butler YMCA on Saturdays from 4 - 6pm (Except last Saturday of the month)We're outdoors in the other seasons (well, sometimes in Winter as well too).

Friday, April 2, 2010

Insurance Assurance

Anyone checking here for the low down on the upcoming Butler County Stage Race - unicycle division?

If so, here's the scoop: The Butler Wobble will be a sponsor and you'll need to be a Unicycling Society of America member to ride. The reason is twofold: 1. We need liability insurance. We're covered if EVERYONE who is riding is a USA member. If we have to buy it privately, we'll have to charge you approximately $20- maybe more)for insurance for the 2 day event. If you join USA for $20 you get covered and a whole lot more benefits. 2. By joining USA you'll be part of the national organization. It shows the general public that there are more unicyclists out there than they think and they're not all going to be joining the circus.

We'll be working out details for trying to register you close to the event.

Details are going to be coming more quickly as we get closer to the event. Stay tuned...