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Showing posts from June, 2010

Upcoming Wobble Sightings

  • November 2024 - March 2025 we can be found at the Butler PA YMCA from 4 pm - 6 pm on Saturdays - EXCEPT the last Saturday of the month.
  • July 20th - 26th we will be in Redford MI for NAUCC (North American Unicycling Convention and Competition)

Yet Another BCSR post!

To some reading this you may be currently experiencing Deja vu (Sorry-I have no idea how to get the special characters). This is another reminder that July 17-18 we're hosting a stage race here in Butler, PA. is the site for most of the details with unicycle specific info showing up at . Unicycle racing isn't that common on this coast. We have a very unique opportunity here to have some fun and show bicyclists and unicyclists aren't just about a circus sideshow- NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT! Personally, I can't juggle and haven't found the time to learn. It's cool if people are into that, but the range of what unicyclists can do is rapidly expanding. I just watched a 26" street video on Amazing. I probably won't ever be able to ride like that, but that doesn't stop me from building some uni trials stuff at the local skatepark (right now about 15 p...

July is Unicycle (and Bicycle) Month in Butler!

For the past several months we have been meeting the first and third Fridays for a 45-60min road ride on the downtown proposed cycling routes. Each ride we've had at least one Butler Wobble member on a uni. Not bad stats considering how many unicyclists there are in the area when compared to bicyclists. Anyways, the discussion came up about what to do with July since the first weekend is considered a holiday weekend (although not in Great Britain). There was a proposal to move the Fridays to the 2nd and 4th. There was then the genius idea of riding every Friday and delcaring it "Bicycle Month in Butler" since we've got the stage race coming the 17th and 18th. Well, we here at the Butler Wobble HQ like the idea, but we're going "one" better and adding it is also Unicycle Month in Butler. The long and short of it: If you pedal, join us for fun no-drop casual rides every Friday at 6pm. We're meeting in the parking lot across from the Burger Hut dow...

BCSR and Wed Wobble Meeting info

BCSR- please be sure to check the official site for start times and course details. Since we're using the same courses as the bikes most of the data is pertinent. Also, prizes are being secured and we're working on getting some swag for all registrants with the nod going towards the 3 race riders. On that note: there seems to have been a bit of confusion of what people can race. The simplified version is: unlimited class- over 16yrs old AND greater than a 29" wheel (a 29er may be ok, but you'll have to contact us personally). On the 17th there will be a "B" crit where we want EVERYONE who can ride a uni to ride in it. This is the chance to put on a show for the spectators who are there to watch the bikes and unis. Registration: $30 for all 3 races. $5 for the "B" crit. EVERYONE MUST BE A Unicycling Society of America MEMBER TO RIDE! (insurance reasons) Helmets are NOT optional. They are mandatory. In other news: Wed Wobble Meeting at the skat...

Details, Details...

BCSR is just over a month away! I just noticed it's been a while since things have been updated. That doesn't mean we've forgotten, it's just things have been busy with logistics that aren't that fun to report. If you're planning on racing, we'd like to know. We've got spots for about 30 riders (36er or Schlumpf) for the 2 day series. We have at least a dozen who are "definitely maybe" or above. We can't go much more than 30 due to time trial logistics. Things will really take off next week. Practice on those hills...