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Showing posts from October, 2010

Upcoming Wobble Sightings

  • November 2024 - March 2025 we can be found at the Butler PA YMCA from 4 pm - 6 pm on Saturdays - EXCEPT the last Saturday of the month.
  • July 20th - 26th we will be in Redford MI for NAUCC (North American Unicycling Convention and Competition)

Changing of the Seasons

Father Marinaro Skatepark closes this Sunday at 9pm for the season. A HUGE thanks to Andy (and Brent) and all the other volunteers for putting in the first public uni trials lines in Western, PA. A special thanks to the United Way and Westinghouse for getting the funds, materials, and labor together to improve the park for ALL users (bikes, skateboards, and unis). We're awaiting confirmation of our gym time at the Y. Tenatively we'll start November 13th from 4:30-6:30 on Saturdays. Better check back here (or call the Y) before you make the trip though as things aren't confirmed yet. A bit of a reminder for the Y sessions- if you bring your own uni, please use plastic pedals. Also, you need a helmet to ride (along with a signed waiver- parents must sign for those under 18).

One or Two More Times

Sunday's the day. North Park Time Trial. Plan to be there. We hopefully will have at least 6 riders. That would break off-road uni attendance records in Western PA. Trials obstacles are up at Father Marinaro Skatepark. The are lines which haven't been ridden as of yet. Head over and give them a ride! We need to get pics up of the Park, but honestly have been too tired from working over there or it's been not very good lighting (i.e. after dark) when we're ready to use the camera.

We Finally Have (A) Class

We came, we saw, we raced. Today we took the top 5 places at the Month Of Mud ( )- in the unicycle class. Conditions were... interesting. Typical October 'Cross weather- rainy, cold, and muddy. Not the ideal conditions for unicycling, let alone unicycling on 36ers as Andy, Tony, and Dave found out. Isaac tried a 29er for the first time- and decided that the day of the race wasn't the time to switch to an unfamiliar wheel. This year's Nate lapped last year's Nate and finished 3 laps 20 minutes faster than last year's 2 laps. Things ended with a sprint finish between Andy, Isaac, and Dave. Historically, this was not only the first time Western PA has had enough unis at a cyclocross/mountain bike race to have a class, but also the first sprint finish as well. In spite of the cold, wet, mud, and rain we all had a great time (at least we'll feel that way tomorrow). Two more races in the series. We'll be in full force for the North Park Ti...