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Showing posts from September, 2011

Upcoming Wobble Sightings

  • November 2024 - March 2025 we can be found at the Butler PA YMCA from 4 pm - 6 pm on Saturdays - EXCEPT the last Saturday of the month.
  • July 20th - 26th we will be in Redford MI for NAUCC (North American Unicycling Convention and Competition)

Brady's Run! Month of Mud is ONNNN!

Hey everybody! it's nate! Dave, Isaac, and I just finished up our first race of the Month of Mud season. I'll admit that I was dreading the task, having been a bit of a slacker, missing many opportunities to ride this year. Dave says the better shape you're in, the more fun cycling is. Fortunately, unicycling is a fun way to get into shape. I don't know anyone that regrets going out for a ride once they get out there. The thing about Month of Mud is that it is a great atmosphere for anyone who wants to challenge themselves. Mountain bikers are always welcoming to new riders, and are especially impressed by anyone on a uni. Brady's run itself is a tough course with plenty of extended climbs, which is why Isaac and I have avoided it in the past. We enjoyed most of the race riding neck and neck, passing each other only when one of us would get hung up on on a root. Its been good to see how much Isaac has improved over the last year. He certainly gave me a run for my mo...

Thursday and Friday Night Rides

There has been some discussion as to what we've been up to lately. We've been playing outside. You're welcome to join us. Thursday evenings, around 6:30-7pm, we've been spotted at Ritz Park in Butler. The park has tennis courts and a basketball court that we use for practicing skills. We use the grass, gravel road and small trail for beginner off road practice. It's a good little park to practice uphill and downhill and mixed terrain. Especially for the beginner who wants to try all those things but is intimidated by the traffic on the road or the difficulty of you standard mountain bike trail. On that note, if you are a beginner and working on any new skill, don't be intimidated by our skills...we love watching and helping others learn new skills. We are always willing to lend a shoulder or arm (It's called "being a post" or just "post") - should free mounting be what's holding you back from practicing other skills. BTW, the tennis ...