It's about that time of year again. Daylight Saving Time kicks in this Saturday. Looking for something to do to stay moving? Interested in staying warm? Every thought of riding a unicycle? Join us. We start our weekly meetings here in Butler, PA at the YMCA every Saturday from 4:30-6:30pm. If you have your own uni- great! If not, no problem- we have extras. You will need to wear a helmet (we have extras of those too, but you should bring your own). You will need to sign a release too (parents need to for those under 18). We welcome all ages- especially 12 and up. For those under 12 we often accommodate, but a parent will have to stick around while we practice. So Mom and Dad you might as well give it a try! Unicycling is for everybody. It's fun. It's relatively safe- on a 20", you're about as high up as standing on a stair. If this isn't your first time to our site, you've heard all of this before. ...