Saturday, April 11th will be our last YMCA session of the 2014-2015 season. It's been a great indoor season at the Y! We've seen a number of you go from timid riders or learners to shooting hoops, playing games, and learning new more advanced skills. We've had a number of newbies pick it up, or at least give it a try - and all ages too! But the Winter weather seems to be a thing of the past - which means it's time for us to go outside and ride. And after being cooped up all Winter, we know that you want to be outside more too. We don't disappear in the warmer months - quite the opposite. Many of us live to ride in the great outdoors. Racing season has started. Many of the local series and single mountain bike races offer a uni class. We are also looking forward to Dirt Fest in May, the upcoming Muni Weekend with the Butler Wobble in June (June 26 - 28) as well as NAUCC (North American Unicycling Convention and Championships) in Madison WI in...