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Upcoming Wobble Sightings

  • November 2024 - March 2025 we can be found at the Butler PA YMCA from 4 pm - 6 pm on Saturdays - EXCEPT the last Saturday of the month.
  • July 20th - 26th we will be in Redford MI for NAUCC (North American Unicycling Convention and Competition)

NAUCC 2015 Part I

The 2015 NAUCC  (North American Unicycling Convention and Championships) is about half way over.  So far it's been quite the adventure.    From the pic above, you can see that Jamie (aka the Party Van Director) competed in his first official Hockey tournament.  And while they didn't win the title, it turns out you don't need to win to have a BLAST!

So far, we've had Butler Wobble members compete in the following events: 10k, Marathon, Trials, Time Trial, Basketball, Hockey, and Long Jump.  We also threw a round of disc golf as well, but that wasn't an official competition as it didn't really involve unicycles.

As a result of some of those competitions, this happened as well:

If you want to check out specific results, look here:

While competing can be fun, it's the convention side of uni week that makes the experience even more special.  We've connected again with friends from across the country (and the next one north as well), and made new friends too.  We've done some local touring guided by locals, and experienced some fine Wisconsin food (mmm... cheese...)

This even happened:

Thanks to Susan of for the cookies after the Time Trial!
(For the record, Gracie had a difficult time reaching the pedals so she didn't actually ride Dave's 36.)

We need to do some laundry as most of our clothes smell like racing.

We better get on it, as experience tells us that the second half of the week will be at least as amazing as the first!


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