Upcoming Wobble Sightings

We're indoors in the Winter at the Butler YMCA on Saturdays from 4 - 6pm (Except last Saturday of the month)We're outdoors in the other seasons (well, sometimes in Winter as well too).

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Month of Mud 2015

Mike Briggs' photo
It's that time of the year again.  The Month of Mud is just over 2 weeks out!  Last year was the first year we had an official unicycle class- with cash prizes at each race and trophies for the series!  This is one of the very few series races in the United States with an official uni class.  If you'd like to join the fun, we encourage you to do so.  Cyclocross is for almost everyone who can ride a uni and freemount and ride through grass.  The other races are not short lap races and require the ability to ride through the woods for 5-10 miles (you can get off and walk or run as needed), so you should be an Advanced or Expert level rider.

After each race we usually find a nearby spot to grab a bite to eat and hang out together for a bit to recap all the fun.  

If you'd like to join in the fun you can pre-register here.  Our start times are usually similar to the bikes so likely there will be some 2 wheeled friends on the course when you are riding.  It's nothing to panic over as they're all quite friendly and we work to minimize potential problems.  The exception to the similar start times is the Ohiopyle season finale.  We usually start about an hour earlier.  Check in closer to the date to be sure.

If you're looking to join us and you'd need a place to stay, we can help with that.  Shoot us an email.

For those not really into the outside racing, we'll be starting indoor Saturday sessions at the YMCA in early November.  We'll post the date once it's solid.

But for now, we race.